There’s no sweeter way to spend the weekend at The LINC. Celebrate World Chocolate Day with Chocolate Parfait Workshops, DIY Choc Workshops, your very own customised Chocolate Wrappers and colouring activities for the little ones. Learn new culinary secrets, sample local artisan chocolates and get a little sugar high with your friends and family at our Event Space L2.
Both workshops are open to ages 3 and above. The Premium DIY Chocolate Workshop is RM50/pax (inclusive of materials, kit, apron and certificate) and the Chocolate Parfait Workshop is free for the first 30 participants daily and RM30/pax for all participants after that. Chocolate Wrapper creation is RM10 per chocolate bar. Call 03-74907722 to book your spot. Walk-in registrants from opening – 8 pm on 5 July 2019 will enjoy a 10% Early Bird discount on the Premium DIY Chocolate Workshop, and a 10% discount 0n every purchase of 5 customisable Chocolate Wrappers.